Timberland Associates, LLC

Timberland Associates is a full service forest and timber management company providing sound, science-based silvicultural practices that enable landowners in Tennessee and Virginia to confidently manage their property for maximum benefit.

We have the technical expertise and operational experience to perform a variety of forest management activities. That activity might range from a one time project such as constructing a woods road or policing a timber sale; to a complete "turn key" project from initial inventory and appraisal, to a forest management plan, to timber harvest, to re-planting and site prep.

Our services include:  forest and timber management plans;  timber appraisals;  timber marketing;  native oak restoration and management;  site preparation;  pine tree planting;  hardwood tree planting;  pine thinning;  hardwood improvement cuts and thinning;  logging supervision;  boundary line maintenance, and;  Beaver control and dam removal.

There is NO COST for an initial "on the ground" inspection, or for additional information.

Contact us, or call Tom Busch at 662 837-0381. We enjoy discussing any and all forestry-related topics.