Timberland Associates, LLC
Upland Hardwood Forest Management
For many generations, the hardwood forest resource has had the more desirable timber cut while leaving the smaller and less desirable trees. With each successive harvest the quality of the residual timber is reduced and today there are thousands of acres growing "green junk". 

Granted, most birds and other wildlife don't care whether or not a tree is straight and sound (many would prefer "green junk"). However, growing a well-formed, quality oak not only keeps them (the wildlife) happy, but growing a well-formed, quality oak also keeps the landowner happy by providing potential income and other benefits. 
Upland Hardwood Management, Upland hardwood Silviculture, Hardwood Thinning, Hardwood Improvement Cut
Upland Hardwood Silviculture PDF
Can these areas that were abused in the past be rehabilitated using good upland hardwood forest management? Sometimes. The stand in question should, usually, meet the following criteria: 1) Is the basal area per acre approximately equal to the stand age/size class; 2) Is the oak site index base age 50 70 feet or greater; 3) Are there adequate numbers of well-formed, desirable trees capable of adding volume and value; and 4) Are there 25 tons per acre of merchantable material that could be removed and not leave the stand in an understocked condition.  When these conditions are met, then a hardwood thinning or improvement cut can be performed.

Income from a commercial operation might range from $150 to $250 per acre, depending on the quality, quantity, size, and kind of the trees being removed from the stand. The trees to cut should be marked by a forester before any harvesting.

The oaks can be difficult to regenerate on the mesic sites of Tennessee and Virginia, due to their growth characteristics and the competitors on these sites. Before any final harvest cut, the stand should be evaluated by a forester to determine whether or not there are adequate numbers of advance oak regeneration to establish the next stand.

We are available to assist landowners with answering those questions. The initial visit to the tract is FREE. Just give Tom a call at 662 837-0381. Or send an email.